Starting from Boyle Scout Den at 11.00 am
Finishing at Boyle Scout Den at 3.00 pm
All participants should wear their Neckerchief, bring Rain Gear, a
Packed Lunch and a Drink contained in a Back Pack. No Fizzy or Stimulant drinks (Red Bull etc) are allowed and should not
be brought.
The climb will not be hard or overly long, therefore all Sections of
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will partake on the day. (Hike will be 8.5km on
As always, any Parents and/or additional family members who would like
to come along and join us on the day for the walk are most welcome, but please just
let us know by text message, so that we have allowed for you in our numbers
booked in to the event.
Refreshments (Drinks and Burgers etc.) will be available to all at the
end of the Hike.
No Pocket Money is required.
Monday Beavers – Colin Kearney – 086 8101309
Tuesday Beavers – Padraig Langan – 086 2603403
Monday Cubs – John Brennan – 087 2183125
Tuesday Cubs – Martin Lannon – 086 6099452
Scouts – Enda Moran – 086 3239483